Online course (C4)
Sanitation technology
The UN Sustainable Development Goals have highlighted that at current rates, by 2030 more than 2.8 billion people will lack safely managed sanitation and they will mostly rely on non-sewered, onsite sanitation solutions. This course follows the holistic CWIS approach focusing on both sewered and non-sewered sanitation provision. You will conceptualise and critically assess technological options in sanitation. To do so, interesting videos, presentations and reading materials have been prepared for you by internationally renowned experts in sanitation technology. By the end of the course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the technical fundamentals of the technological components of the sanitation infrastructure and their role in a wider CWIS context, and you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills you need to apply them effectively in your own work.
Course information
After completion of the course you will be able to:
- Describe the most common approaches in urban drainage and sewerage
- Explain the main processes applied occurring in sewage and sludge treatment
- Discuss the state-of-the-art of the sanitation chain components: toilet interface; storage; emptying, transport, treatment, and reuse;
- Critically discuss the inputs and outputs of common sanitation technologies;
- Create a complete and sustainable sanitation chain for a variety of situations and to make informed choices.
This course covers the following topics:
- Sanitation technology selection
- Urban drainage and sewerage
- Biological nutrient removal from sewage
- Waste activated sludge treatment
- Introduction to sanitation value chain
- Design of latrines
- Innovative latrines workshop
- Design of drying beds
- Faecal sludge Q&Q
- Sanitation for informal settlements
- Emptying and transport
- Design of primary DEWATS process
- Anaerobic digestion of faecal sludge
- Waste stabilization ponds
- Constructed wetlands
- Source separation and treatment
Delivery method
Each course in this series consists of video lectures, presentation slides, reading materials, exercises, and assignments. In principle, each video presentation has its own complementary presentation slides. Some parts of the course also include exercises and/or assignments. Please note that this course is free, open access, and does not include guidance, exams, assessment, or certificate. As a rule of thumb, if you spend 8 hours per week following this course, you should be able to complete the curriculum within 22 weeks.
Instructions on how to use the course materials are available here.
Each course has its own coding system. The code of this course is C 4. Each course consists of units. Each unit has a unique code, for example, U 4.1. In the section ‘Unit 4.1 videos │ …” you can find and watch all video-recorded lectures that belong to this unit. Similarly, in the section ‘Unit 4.1 course materials│ …” you can download all materials that make this unit (e.g. high-resolution videos, presentation slides, reading materials, exercises, assignments, etc) as a single compressed file (in zip format). Some files may be of considerable size, so you need to assure that your computer has sufficient bandwidth and capacity for downloading.
Unit 4.1 course materials │ Sewer-based sanitation
In this section, you can download all the documents that make up this unit.
Unit 4.1 │Course materials (zip)Download
Unit 4.2 course materials │Introduction to sanitation value chain
In this section, you can download all the documents that make up this unit.
Unit 4.2 │Course materials (zip)Download
Unit 4.3 course materials │ Collection and containment
In this section, you can download all the documents that make up this unit.
Unit 4.3 │Course materials (zip)Download
Unit 4.4 course materials │ Emptying and transport
In this section, you can download all the documents that make up this unit.
Unit 4.4 │ Course materials (zip)Download
Unit 4.5 course materials │ Treatment
In this section, you can download all the documents that make up this unit.
Unit 4.5│ Course materials (zip)Download
Unit 4.6 course materials │ Drainage for informal settlements
In this section, you can download all the documents that make up this unit.
Unit 4.6 │ Course materials (zip)Download