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Online course (C8)

Sanitation governance

Sanitation governance is about the policies, regulations, and institutions that govern how urban sanitation systems are managed and operated. This course explores developments in equity, inclusivity and justice, and what they mean for allocating infrastructure and distributing waste. We will also discuss the key concepts of techno-managerial, political and interpretative understandings of sanitation governance and learn about their influence on governance processes. By the end of the course  you will have a good understanding of the key elements of effective sanitation governance, and you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills you need to apply them in your own work. Whether you are a sanitation professional looking to improve governance in your organization or a policymaker looking to create more effective governance structures, this course will give you the tools you need to succeed.

Introduction video

Course information

  • Objectives

    After completion of the course you will be able to:

    • Distinguish and explain the main discourses and theories on sanitation governance;
    • Identify and analyze how sanitation governance is part of and co-shapes different distributional processes and outcomes;
    • Identify context, purpose, perspective, and arguments of sanitation governance texts (policy texts as well as scientific writings);
    • Become familiar with, and reflexively choose between sanitation governance tools – institutions, technologies, organizations – and models, appreciating which one to use in which contexts and for which purposes.
  • Syllabus

    This course covers the following topics:

    • Introduction to sanitation governance
    • Defining the state
    • Shifts in governance
    • Socio-nature
    • Distribution of flood risks
    • Voice and authority
    • Participation
    • Class and income
    • Gender and households
    • The social construction of race and ethnicity
    • Knowledge and expertise
    • Colonization and decolonization
    • The concept of development
    • Many meanings of menstruation
  • Delivery method

    Each course in this series consists of video lectures, presentation slides, reading materials, exercises, and assignments. In principle, each video presentation has its own complementary presentation slides. Some parts of the course also include exercises and/or assignments. Please note that this course is free, open access, and does not include guidance, exams, assessment, or certificate. As a rule of thumb, if you spend 8 hours per week following this course, you should be able to complete the curriculum within 18 weeks.

    Instructions on how to use the course materials are available here.

  • Organization

    Each course has its own coding system. The code of this course is C 8. Each course consists of units. Each unit has a unique code, for example, U 8.1. In the section ‘Unit 8.1 videos │ …” you can find and watch all video-recorded lectures that belong to this unit. Similarly, in the section ‘Unit 8.1 course materials│ …”  you can download all materials that make this unit (e.g. high-resolution videos, presentation slides, reading materials, exercises, assignments, etc) as a single compressed file (in zip format). Some files may be of considerable size, so you need to assure that your computer has sufficient bandwidth and capacity for downloading.

Unit 8.1 videos │Distributions of wealth, risks, rights and responsibilities

Here you can watch all video-recorded lectures of this unit.

Defining state

U 8.1.1

1 of 4

Shifts in governance

U 8.1.2

2 of 4


U 8.1.3

3 of 4

Distribution of flood risk

U 8.1.4

4 of 4

Unit 8.1 course materials │ Distributions of wealth, risks, rights and responsibilities

In this section, you can download all video-recorded lectures, presentations, and other documents that make up this unit.

Unit 8.2 videos │ Distribution of voice and authority

Here you can watch all video-recorded lectures of this unit.

Voice and authority

U 8.2.1

1 of 5

Introduction to participation

U 8.2.2

2 of 5

Class and income

U 8.2.3

3 of 5

Gender and households

U 8.2.4

4 of 5

The social construction of race and ethnicity

U 8.2.5

5 of 5

Unit 8.2 course materials │ Distribution of voice and authority

In this section, you can download all video-recorded lectures, presentations, and other documents that make up this unit.

Unit 8.3 videos │ Knowledge and expertise

Distribution of knowledge and expertise in governance

U 8.3.1

1 of 4

Colonization and decolonization

U 8.3.2

2 of 4

The concept of development

U 8.3.3

3 of 4

The many meanings of menstruation

U 8.3.4

4 of 4

Unit 8.3 course materials │ Knowledge and expertise

Download full package

Sanitation governance ()

(8,111.0 MB)

Here you can access all course materials in one zipped file including video-recorded lectures, presentations, study materials, assignments, session plans, and instructor's manual on how to run the course, in case you wish to do so.


Dr. Akosua Boakye-Ansah

Course resource person