Open Access Course Series on
City-wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS)
The Global Sanitation Graduate School (GSGS) currently offers 10 open-access online courses on City-wide Inclusive Sanitation. The courses cover a variety of topics, both of a technical and non-technical nature, and are suitable for all sanitation professionals whether they are academicians, government officials, or practitioners who wish to learn about CWIS in order to approach sanitation challenges with deeper insight, advanced knowledge and greater confidence built on stronger competence.
We are delighted to complement the GSGS portfolio of educational offerings with the Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) Online Course Series - a package of open-access distance-learning courses on CWIS. The CWIS Online Course Series currently consists of 10 exciting courses prepared by internationally renowned sanitation experts and is expected to expand with more courses in the near future. All the courses in the series are free and suited for individual use in self-study mode, while several GSGS partners will soon provide a guided version that includes online guidance, exams, and certificates. Each course in the series is stand-alone and available as a package comprising video lectures, presentations, assessments, and additional study materials. Courses can be studied in any order that suits the user’s needs and can all be downloaded from this website including the guidelines on how to use the materials. In addition, in response to demand from clients, IHE Delft and GSGS partners can design and offer training on various CWIS courses at their own sites, at the premises of the client, or a combination of these. Depending on the wishes of the client, training can take place entirely in Delft and/or on location at our partners worldwide. If you need additional information, do not hesitate to contact us.

Learning objectives, activities, and assessments depend on the delivery mode of the course. Currently, the series is available in a self-study mode, thus without guidance, assessment, and certification. In general, the learning objectives of self-study online courses are of limited complexity due to the absence of guidance and the specific nature of self-guided didactic methods. The introduction of online guidance in the future, and the possibility for the participant to interact with the instructor, will allow for more ambitious objectives. Furthermore, this becomes particularly true for future on-campus courses and tailored training courses because they will allow for face-to-face interaction with the teacher and hands-on exercises and assignments. To view the learning objectives, activities, and assessment of each of the ten courses please explore the individual course pages.
Info brochure
CWIS open access online course series brochure ()
The CWIS course series is currently offered in self-study online mode only. In the foreseeable future, the series will be delivered also in instructor-led mode by several GSGS partner institutions, as well as the regular (standard) face-to-face course at the premises of GSGS partners (on campus). A tailor-made group training course can be prepared and delivered by GSGS members at various locations where the specific needs of the client are taken into account.
What is a self-study online course?
A self-study (self-guided) online course delivers a series of pre-recorded lessons to a web browser or mobile device, to be conveniently accessed anytime, anyplace. An online course is designed as a built environment for learning. The key element is the use of the internet and it does not engage a teacher. It may include a check to find out to what extent the learning objectives are being achieved (e.g. self-assessment, quiz, etc). Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) also belong to this category. In the case of this CWIS course series, in a foreseeable future, you will be able to test your knowledge at the end of the course, and obtain a certificate without our engagement.
What is an instructor-led online course?
You can deepen your knowledge and develop new skills with our online courses under the individual guidance and support of an instructor (teacher, mentor) to help you excel in the topic and facilitate the learning process. Such courses utilize electronic technologies to access the educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom and are specifically delivered via the internet to somewhere other than the classroom where the teacher is lecturing. It is interactive in that the student can also communicate with course instructors or other students in his/her class online (via the internet). Sometimes courses are delivered live, where students can interact in real-time and sometimes it is a lecture or assignments that have been pre-recorded. There is always an instructor interacting and communicating with the student and grading his/her participation, assignments, and tests. This option will become available soon.
What is an on-campus course?
An on-campus course is a face-to-face course with pre-defined, fixed content and a syllabus usually targeting certain groups of interest. It can vary in length and depth and commonly takes place on campus. This option will become available soon.
What is a tailor-made training course?
This is a customized face-to-face course prepared in response to demand from clients. The training can be organized by GSGS partners for groups of various sizes, from one or multiple organizations, sectors, or regions, and can vary in length and depth and can take place on campus, at the client’s premises, or a combination of the two.
About the GSGS
This website on the CWIS open access online course series is part of the Global Sanitation Graduate School (GSGS), an initiative of IHE Delft in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. More information about GSGS is available on the website