Online course (C6)
Behavioural change and advocacy
In this course we will highlight the significance of behavioural change and advocacy across the sanitation service chain. You will learn about behavioural theories and advocacy methods from prominent sanitation professionals who have designed and implemented impactful interventions in Africa, Asia and Latin America. You will learn about behavioural change and advocacy concepts and models in practice; how to apply knowledge from interdisciplinary case examples to result in actual sanitation behavioural change and advocacy; and how to develop non-sewered sanitation behavioural change and advocacy intervention strategies for a diverse range of populations and contexts. By the end of the course you will understand the concepts of behavioural change, and recognize different approaches and you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills you need to apply them in your own work.
Course Info
After completion of the course you will be able to:
- Explain behavioral change and advocacy concepts and models in the practice and delivery of safely-managed non-sewered sanitation in urban environments
- Apply knowledge from interdisciplinary social science case examples to practically effect sanitation behavioral change and advocacy
- Develop non-sewered sanitation behavioral change and advocacy intervention strategies for a diverse range of populations and contexts
This course covers the following topics:
- Introduction to behaviour and advocacy
- Behaviour determinants
- Behaviours across the sanitation service chain
- Transitions towards sustainable sanitation
- Sanitation behaviour and advocacy strategies
- Behaviour change techniques
- Behaviour change models, theory of change
- Sanitation behaviour change design
- Advocacy intervention design
- Occupational health and safety of sanitation workers
Delivery method
Each course in this series consists of video lectures, presentation slides, reading materials, exercises, and assignments. In principle, each video presentation has its own complementary presentation slides. Some parts of the course also include exercises and/or assignments. Please note that this course is free, open access, and does not include guidance, exams, assessment, or certificate. As a rule of thumb, if you spend 8 hours per week following this course, you should be able to complete the curriculum within 8 weeks.
Instructions on how to use the course materials are available here.
Each course has its own coding system. The code of this course is C 6. Each course consists of units. Each unit has a unique code, for example, U 6.1. In the section ‘Unit 6.1 videos │ …” you can find and watch all video-recorded lectures that belong to this unit. Similarly, in the section ‘Unit 6.1 course materials│ …” you can download all materials that make this unit (e.g. high-resolution videos, presentation slides, reading materials, exercises, assignments, etc) as a single compressed file (in zip format). Some files may be of considerable size, so you need to assure that your computer has sufficient bandwidth and capacity for downloading.
Unit 6.1 course materials │ Introduction and key concepts
In this section, you can download all video-recorded lectures, presentations, and other documents that make up this unit.
Unit 6.1 │ Course materials (zip)Download
Unit 6.2 course materials │ Towards sustainable sanitation using behavioral change approaches
In this section, you can download all video-recorded lectures, presentations, and other documents that make up this unit.
Unit 6.2 │ Course materials (zip)Download
Unit 6.3 course materials │ What is behavioral change in sanitation? - theory and practice
Unit 6.3│ Course materials (zip)Download
Unit 6.4. course materials I Behavioral change intervention design
Unit 6.4 │ Course materials (zip)Download
Unit 6.5 course materials I Case studies of behavioral change
Unit 6.5 │ Course materials (zip)Download